Dino Mujić, abs.arh.
T: +386 41 656 898
Ep: dino.mujic@medprostor.si


1989 born in Slovenj Gradec
2008 began studies at Faculty of architecture, University of Ljubljana
2011-2013 works at MEDPROSTOR architectural atelier 
2013-2014 demonstrator at the Faculty of architecture in studio of prof. Jurij Kobe 
2014 works as a project collaborator at SADAR + VUGA 
 2014 works at MULTIPLAN in a competition group 
 2015 works at MEDPROSTOR architectural atelier



2013 1st prize for Victims of all Wars Memorial
  (R. Žnidaršič, S. Mlakar, M. Gabrič, Ž. Ravnikar; collaborators M. Kruh, D. Mujič)